Project Pensioner: Or, ‘Why I want Suqqu brushes’

I was looking at this post, ‘The Changing Culture of Disposability’ and one point that the author makes really resonated with me – the idea that in the past things were built to last. You didn’t ‘own’ things, you ‘use’ them, and you derive benefit from them over a lifetime and ultimately pass them on. I […]

A very optimistic Christmas wish list

From the top: YSL Le Teint Touche Eclát £29 (I’ve been matched to the shade BR20 if Santa’s listening…), Neom Inspiration 3 Wick Candle £38.50 (for the good of my dissertation, naturally), Suqqu Eyeshadow Brush L £48 (I have an ambition of owning a set of Suqqu brushes to see my through my makeup-wearing life), […]